Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Cake ball Pops... and candy.. yummy

I love the day after Valentines Day.. All the candy goes on sale for 50% off.. Not .. that I can eat a lot of candy... but at least I don't have to pay full price for it. also.. any of the valentine cakes or icing.. baking items..sprinkles ... are also on sale.. I was watching TV the other night.. and they gave a good recipe for cake balls.. so hopefully  I remembered it all.. it looks so simple to do.
Cake ball pops  recipe
1 cake mix
1 can icing
Wilton lollipop sticks
  candy melting chips
wax paper
sheet of Styrofoam (optional) 
sprinkles or decorations of your choice.
Make cake as directed to do on box..
It doesn't matter what kind of pan or pans you use.. just bake it as directed.  Let cake cool completely .. while cake is cooling.. put wax paper on a couple trays, and cover your Styrofoam. when cake is cool.. crumble your cake up in a bowl.. and add a little at a time your icing.. doing this, till your cake icing mixture.. can be rolled into a ball,, cool in frig for about 10 min.. then roll all the cake mixture into ping pong size balls.. and place on wax paper covered trays. Put the sticks in the icing, then insert into your cake balls.. refrig for 15 min..
now the fun starts.. Melt your candy coating.. as directed.. and dip each cake ball in it,, making sure you let the excess run off  real good.. tapping on the side of the bowl .. decorate with your decorations.. place pop in your Styrofoam, to dry.. then eat.. mmmm
I hate being a diabetic, cuz... I love cake!!!